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CV writing
CV writing advice for nurses and HCAs, including free Nursing CV samples, HCA CV samples, and a CV checking service for members.
Discrimination: equal pay
Information on pay and discrimination and what to do if you think you are being discriminated against.
DBS enquiry form
DBS enquiry form
Employment tribunals and the courts
A guide for nursing staff covering employment tribunals, County Court, the Sheriffs Court (Scotland) and the small claims procedure.
RCN Nursing History Now: Autumn Winter 2019
Inside the autumn/winter 2019 issue of Nursing History Now magazine we celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the state registration of nursing. Discover the role the College of Nursing played in this hard-fought battle. Plus, we look back at learning disability nursing through the ages, the London Foundling Hospital in the 18th century, black history from the RCN Archive and how cakes saved the College in the 1920s.
Tissue Donation - Information for Healthcare Professionals
Up to 50 people can benefit from tissue donated from 1 donor, but despite the amazing benefits that tissue donation can bring and the comfort that donation can give to bereaved families, it is a subject that many health care professionals know little about.
My first Congress made such a positive impact on me
Nursing support worker Rebecca says her first RCN Congress was more than just an event, but a reminder of why she chose our brilliant profession.
Royal College of Nursing responds to the NHS pay announcement for nursing staff
RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive Professor Nicola Ranger said: “When it comes to pay in the NHS, all professional groups deserve a clear route to fair pay restoration – making up for a very serious loss of earnings in the last 15 years. Stagnant salaries at a time of spiralling prices forced too many to leave and deterred others from joining."
RCN Eastern All-Member Catch-Up - June
RCN Eastern members are invited to join our latest all-member catch-up to speak about the issues that matter to you.
RCN Hampshire Branch Learning Event
Join RCN Hampshire Branch for this learning event, which offers 2 hours of CPD and free lunch.