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RCN members vote to reject NHS pay offer for nursing staff in England
We’re seeking an urgent re-opening of pay talks with the UK government and planning a new 48-hour strike from 8pm on 30 April without derogations.
Vote now for further nursing strikes: 'the public backs you'
New polling shows increasing public support for nursing strikes as RCN plans day of action to secure required legal turnout in current strike ballot.
Voting opens on NHS pay offer for nursing staff in England
Members employed on Agenda for Change contracts in England can now vote on whether to accept or reject the UK government’s latest pay offer.
RCN Congress 2023: free educational sessions revealed
Full details of our Learning and Wellbeing Programme are now available online.
RCN members vote to accept Four Seasons Health Care pay award
Almost three quarters of eligible members who voted chose to accept the offer.
Women's Health
Women's health subject guide from the Royal College of Nursing Library and Museum. Highlights key information resources.
Meet the Team
More information about the Forum committee, including biographies and contact information
Meet the Team
More information about the Learning Disability Nursing Forum committee, including biographies and contact information.
New nursing profiles don’t go far enough, says RCN
NHS pay bands must recognise the skills and experience of nursing staff.
Investment needed now to tackle challenges in community health and social care
RCN Scotland has called for urgent action to address the funding and governance issues facing Integration Joint Boards and their Health and Social Care Partnerships.