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NICE CONSULTATION - Acute coronary syndromes: Draft scope consultation
The NICE draft scope for the Acute coronary syndromes (unstable 4 angina, NSTEMI and STEMI): management 5 and secondary prevention (update) clinical guideline is now open for consultation.
Mental health care for children scoping review
Sheffield Hallam University undertook a scoping review into the provision of mental health care to children up to the age of 18 in the UK.
NICE CONSULTATION - Draft Endometriosis Quality Standard Consultation is Now Open.
NICE are pleased to announce that the draft endometriosis quality standard consultation period is now open.
RPS Consultation on the Safe and Secure Handling of Medicines in all Care Settings
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society is currently reviewing and updating the Safe and Secure Handling of Medicines in all Care Settings resource originally published in 2005.
NICE Chronic kidney disease: assessment and management
NICE are consulting on the draft scope for Chronic kidney disease: assessment and management.
Consultation: GMC Credentialing
The General Medical Council (GMC) would like to hear your views on the draft framework for credentialing.
Social Care Nurses guide to Revalidation
The RCN Foundation was delighted to fund FoNS to develop a video animation ‘a practical guide to revalidation for nurses working in social care’.
Community nursing in Scotland
Our £20,000 grant funded an online resource which documented the working lives of the Queen’s Nurses from across Scotland.
RCN Dementia Project
The RCN Foundation awarded the RCN a grant to develop resources, including webpages, booklets and a DVD supporting the development of dementia care guidelines.
Supporting the Impact Foundation in Bangladesh
In 2016, in partnership with the RCN President’s Charity, the RCN Foundation awarded a grant to the Impact Foundation to support the training of two student nurses in Bangladesh.