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CONSULTATION RESPONSE: Nursing Associates’ Fees
RCN response to the NMC consultation on the proposed fees for the new nursing associate role that will be introduced in England.
PARLIAMENTARY SUBMISSION: Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships
Parliamentary submission to Health Committee's inquiry on sustainability and transformation partnerships.
CONSULTATION RESPONSE: Securing Student Success
RCN response to the Department for Education's consultation on securing student success: risk-based regulation for teaching excellence, social mobility and informed choice in higher education.
CONSULTATION RESPONSE: Safe, Sustainable and Productive staffing for Children and Young People's Services
RCN response NHS Improvement's consultation to safe, sustainable and productive staffing for children and young people's services.
CONSULTATION RESPONSE: Safe, Sustainable and Productive Staffing in Urgent and Emergency Care
RCN response to NHS Improvement's consultation on safe, sustainable and productive staffing in urgent and emergency care.
CONSULTATION RESPONSE: Working Together to Safeguard Children
RCN response to Department for Education's consultation on working together to safeguard children.
CONSULTATION RESPONSE: Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision: a Green Paper
RCN response to the Department for Education, Department of Health & Children and Young People’s Mental Health Green Paper team's consultation on transforming children and young people’s mental health provision.
CONSULTATION RESPONSE: Introducing ‘Opt-Out’ Consent for Organ and Tissue Donation in England.
RCN response to the Department of Health's consultation on introducing ‘opt-out’ consent for organ and tissue donation in England.
CONSULTATION RESPONSE: Regulation of Nursing Associates in England
RCN response to the Department of Health's consultation on regulation of nursing associates in England.
CONSULTATION RESPONSE: The Regulation of Medical Associate Professions in the UK
RCN response to the Department of Health's consultation on the regulation of medical associate professions in the UK.