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Nursing Student Finance: The true costs of becoming a nurse
Nursing students are facing serious financial hardship that is forcing them to consider leaving their course because they can no longer afford to keep studying the profession they love.
Inquiry response: Health hazards in the health care environment
RCN Scotland response to the Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee inquiry to identify the scale of any health problems acquired from the healthcare environment in Scotland whilst also considering the wider implications for health facilities across Scotland.
Parliamentary Briefing - Stage 1 debate Health and Care Staffing Scotland Bill
The RCN supports the principles of the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill.
PARLIAMENTARY: Healthcare in remote and rural areas
RCN Scotland’s response to the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee inquiry on Healthcare in remote and rural areas
Written submission (Finance and Constitution Committee call for views Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill Financial Memorandum)
RCN Scotland’s response to the call for views issued by the Scottish Parliament’s Finance and Constitution Committee on the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill Financial Memorandum
Parliamentary Briefing - Stage 2 debate Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill
The RCN welcomes many of the amendments lodged ahead of stage 2, which it feels would improve and strengthen the Bill. In particular, the shift to a multidisciplinary focus is welcome.
RCN briefing - Registered nurses in care homes
RCN Scotland is proud to represent members working in social care settings, including Scotland’s care homes. As a stakeholder in the social care sector, RCN Scotland believes that it is the right of every resident in Scotland’s care homes to receive high quality, safe care, to be treated with dignity and respect and to have their human rights upheld.
RCN Employment survey Scotland 2019
The report of findings from the RCN's survey of members in Scotland in 2019. The RCN received 1,916 responses from Scotland out of a total of 8,307 responses across the UK. This survey is the latest in a long running series undertaken with RCN members, including registered nurses and health care support workers.
RCN briefing - Senior Charge Nurse
Senior Charge Nurses (SCNs) are the clinical and professional leaders for nursing staff delivering care. RCN Scotland believes that SCNs – and their equivalents in the community – have a vital role to play in the delivery of safe and effective care. The RCN has campaigned for SCNs to be non-caseload holding for over a decade.
Parliamentary Briefing - Bullying and harassment in the NHS debate 10 September 2019
Following the Sturrock Report into bullying and harassment in NHS Highland, published earlier in the summer, MSPs debated bullying and harassment in the NHS in the Scottish Parliament on 10 September. Read the RCN's briefing to MSPs, which makes clear the organisation's stance that no-one at work should feel they are being bullied.