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POLICY: Independent review of mental health law in Scotland
RCN Scotland response to a review being carried out into the way mental health law is working in Scotland. This review was set up by the Scottish Government but it is independent from them. RCN believes that this legislation and other related Acts would benefit from a review and that this should take place with a human rights focus.
POLICY: The legal and practical challenges for mental health services in Scotland
The RCN Scotland response to the Liberal Democrat mental health summit call for evidence
POLICY: Scottish Government's Forensic Mental Health Review (FMHR)
Nursing is at the forefront of mental health service provision and innovation in Scotland and RCN Scotland welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the FMHR.
PARLIAMENTARY: Forensic Medical Services (Victims of Sexual Offences) (Scotland) Bill
RCN Scotland welcomes the Bill which will increase equity of access to healthcare services for people who have been hurt by rape and sexual crime.
POLICY: Scottish Government’s consultation on a Data Strategy for Health and Social Care
RCN Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on Updating the Digital Strategy for Scotland
POLICY: Independent Review of Adult Social Care in Scotland
RCN Scotland response to the Independent Review of Adult Social Care in Scotland
PARLIAMENTARY: Health and Sport Committee - Resilience and emergency planning
RCN Scotland response to the Health and Sport Committee call for evidence around resilience and emergency planning in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Member briefing: National mental health initiatives in Scotland
The Scottish Government is taking forward four national mental health initiatives with which the RCN is closely involved. The RCN is delighted that mental health is getting renewed attention, with a real emphasis on improving services and embedding the rights of people using them.
POLICY: Care Inspectorate Staffing Method Framework
RCN Scotland’s response to the Care Inspectorate’s consultation on its draft Staffing Method Framework. The Care Inspectorate is currently looking to design a staffing method framework, as part of new powers outlined in the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019. RCN Scotland has welcomed and been involved in this work and we hope that it will lead to the development of evidence based, staffing methodologies for the care sector.
Parliamentary: RCN Scotland Response to Inquiry in Future Of Primary Care
Evidence submission from RCN Scotland to the Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee's inquiry into the future of primary care.