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POLICY - Safe staffing in Scotland - Briefing for members
Information, advice and how to have your say on safe staffing legislation in Scotland
POLICY: The Modern Outpatient
In broad terms, there are key messages in the Modern Outpatients document which align to RCN priorities. However, the document sets out an ambitious programme of reform in just three years.
POLICY - RCN response to the Scottish Government consultation on a Safe and Effective Staffing Bill
RCN Scotland consultation response, setting out how legislation could ensure safe and effective staffing and impact positively on the safety and quality of care and the outcomes for individuals using services by ensuring that the right staff with the right skills are in place to deliver care in all settings and at all times.
POLICY - 'Equally Safe' strategy consultation response
RCN Scotland response to the Scottish Government's consultation on 'Equally Safe' strategy.
POLICY - The landscape for bed-based intermediate care in Scotland
This report describes how intermediate care beds are being provided in Scotland. It also looks at the benefits of high quality bed-based intermediate care as part of integrated health and social care services.
POLICY - Tool to support nursing leaders making decisions about bed-based intermediate care
Bed-based intermediate care is an important model of care to help people to avoid hospital or get home sooner. This tool from RCN Scotland sets out what nursing staff should consider when making decisions about bed-based intermediate care.
PARLIAMENT - Named Person Service and the Children & Young People (Information Sharing) (Scotland) Bill Written Evidence
RCN Scotland submitted evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee’s call for views on the Children and Young People (Information Sharing) (Scotland) Bill.
PARLIAMENTARY: Community healthcare staff parking charges
RCN Scotland’s response to the Scottish Parliament's Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee inquiry on the petition to exempt community healthcare staff from parking charges
PARLIAMENTARY: Implementation of the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act
Following Scotland’s Safe Staffing Act coming into force on 1 April, this briefing sets out why this groundbreaking legislation is needed more badly than ever, and the key differences it will make for our members and those they’re caring for.
RCN Cost of Living Survey - Scotland Summary
In January we surveyed our members, asking them how the cost of living is impacting their lives. With over 1,000 responses from members in Scotland, the results paint a stark picture of the financial challenges facing nursing staff and the impact this is having on their wellbeing, personal lives and work.