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POLICY: Scottish Government’s consulation on Scottish Mental Health Law (Scott) Review
We agree that ‘the purpose of the law should be to ensure that all the human rights of people with mental disorder are respected, protected and fulfilled’ and that it should ‘seek to ensure that the wider needs of people with mental disorder are met’ and with the four attendant principles. We caution that the various rights of staff must also be accounted for; that they require support; and we emphasise the need for safe staffing (including implementation of the Health and Care (staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019) and the proper resourcing of services.
POLICY: Scottish Government’s consulation on Scottish Mental Health Law (Scott) Review - Additional Proposals
RCN Scotland response to the additional proposals around independent advocacy and advance statements
POLICY: Scottish Government’s consultation on a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy
RCN Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy
POLICY: Scottish Government’s consultation on a Data Strategy for Health and Social Care
RCN Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on a Data Strategy for Health and Social Care
POLICY: Proposed Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill
RCN Scotland supports the intention behind the proposed Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) (Scotland) Bill. While we have not received a significant number of representations from members who feel threatened by protests at sites, we strongly support the principle that staff and services users should be able to access sites without any impediment or fear.
POLICY: Scottish Government Health and Social Care Strategy for Older People
The RCN welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the proposed Strategy for Older People.
POLICY: Scottish Government consultation on Future pandemic PPE supplies in Scotland
The consultation acknowledges that the ‘PPE required to prepare for any future pandemic could differ and will be decided upon in line with expert clinical guidance’ but does not ask any lessons learned questions about this, despite it being is as important a matter as supply.
POLICY: Scottish Government Cancer Strategy Consultation
The most important aspects of the cancer journey are an adequate workforce strategy for cancer care, particularly with respect to the recruitment, retention, and development of cancer nurse specialists.
POLICY: SSSC - A register for the future Consultation
RCN Scotland agrees with the proposal to simplify and streamline the registration process for registrants to be as easy and smooth as possible.
POLICY: Resource Spending Review Framework Consultation
RCN Scotland response to the Scottish Government’s Resource Spending Review Framework Consultation