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POLICY: Review of GIRFEC guidance and support documents
RCN Scotland response to a review of GIRFEC guidance and support documents
POLICY: Health inequalities inquiry consultation
The Scottish parliament Health and Social Care committee is running an inquiry into health inequalities. This is RCN Scotland's response, submitted on 31 March 2022.
POLICY: Scottish COVID Public Inquiry - Aims and Principles
RCN Scotland submission to the Scottish Government's consultation on the aims and principles of the Scottish COVID Public Inquiry
POLICY: HIS Infection prevention and control standards consultation survey
RCN Scotland submission to the HIS Infection prevention and control standards consultation survey
POLICY: Response to mental health strategy consultation
The RCN Scotland response to the Scottish Government consultation on their new mental health strategy
POLICY: SPPA consultation on the National Health Service Superannuation and Pension Schemes (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) Regulations 2022
The RCN welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Public Pension Agency’s (SPPA) consultation on proposed changes to members’ contributions to the NHS pension scheme from 1 April 2022. Our submission is based upon the views of RCN members, who expressed these by e-mail and during three dedicated RCN engagement events in February 2022.
POLICY: RCN Scotland submission to the NHS targets review
RCN Scotland contribution to the principles of the Scottish Government review of NHS targets.
POLICY: The transformation of adult mental health care in Scotland: Learning from the past to support integration reform
Lessons for leaders in integrated services, from the experience of transformational change in mental health services over recent decades.
BRIEFING: RCN Scotland contribution to the Chief Nursing Officer review of district nursing
RCN Scotland contribution to the Chief Nursing Officer and Scottish Executive Nurse Directors review of district nursing.
PARLIAMENTARY EVIDENCE RCN Scotland evidence to health and Sport Committee on proposed extension of HIS powers
In this evidence to the Health and Sport committee on the proposal to give Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) the power to direct health boards to close wards to new admissions, RCN Scotland sets out some of the issues arising from the proposal to increase HIS’s powers. These include the scope of any new power, the process that HIS will use to enact any new power to close a ward, and how failures in governance within the relevant authority with responsibility for the ward will be addressed.