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Apply for funding to attend the RCN NSW Day Conference

Applications for funding to attend the Nursing Support Workers' Day Conference, which takes place on Thursday 23 November at London HQ, have now closed.

You will be notified on Thursday 2 November if you have been successful. Please note, we can only hold funding offers until Monday 6 November, so you must let us know by then if you can attend.

Funding will cover travel costs, accommodation and evening meal (if required). We are unable to fund additional expenses associated with attending this conference. Upon funding approval, travel/accommodation will be booked centrally by RCN Scotland so please not make arrangements separately as these cannot be reimbursed.

We will only use the personal information supplied for the purposes of your funding application to attend the NSW Day Conference and this will not be shared with any third parties. By submitting this form, you are giving the RCN permission to contact you about your submission

You can control the information you receive from the RCN by updating your preferences at MyRCN.

The information you provide in this form will be stored by the RCN.

Protecting your privacy is very important to us. Please view our privacy policy to find out more about the information we collect and how it is used.

Page last updated - 12/03/2024