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RCN responds to the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act
RCN responds to the Independent Review of the Mental Health Act
Work, health and disability: improving lives
The Department for Work and Pensions, Department of Health, The Rt Hon Damian Green MP and The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP are seeking views on what it will take to transform employment prospects for disabled people and people with long-term health conditions.
Proposed Action to Cut Sales of Sugary Drinks
NHS England is seeking views on an outright ban, as well as alternative measures to reduce sales of sugary-drinks.
NHS Improvement safe and sustainable staffing improvement resource consultations
NHS Improvement has been working with clinical and academic professionals and the RCN to develop of a suite of safe and sustainable staffing improvement resources across seven different clinical areas.
The Second Research Excellence Framework
Higher Education Funding Council for England is seeking views on detailed arrangements for research assessment in a second Research Excellence Framework.
CONSULTATION: Whistleblowing
NHS England is seeking views on their draft whistleblowing policy guidance.
Mid-Term Evaluation of the 3rd Health Programme 2014-2020
The European Commission is seeking views on the mid-term evaluation of the 3rd Health Programme 2014-2020.
CONSULTATION: Human Resources for Health Network
Global Health Workforce Alliance is seeking views on the development of the health network and defining the priority areas of work for the next two years.
Developing a Method to Assist Investment Decisions in Specialised Commissioning
NHS England is seeking views on a method which is proposed to be used by NHS England's Clinical Priorities Advisory Group when comparing competing priorities when it meets to agree recommendations on the relative prioritisation of new investments in specialised services.
NHSI Draft framework: use of resources and well-led assessments
NHS Improvement is seeking views on NHSI Draft framework: use of resources and well-led assessments.