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Government indecision means nursing staff facing postcode lottery in PPE protection
Dame Donna Kinnair, Chief Executive and General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing said: “The Government’s silence on this issue is creating a postcode lottery for nursing staff whereby some working on wards have access to the higher-grade face masks and others do not."
Royal College of Nursing responds to Prime Minister's statement on public sector workers and nursing staff
“There is little room for complacency about the increases to nurse numbers last year - they aren’t yet sufficient and are inflated by staff who came back to work in the pandemic."
Royal College of Nursing responds to expanding the NMC register to more overseas-trained nurses
Dame Donna Kinnair, RCN Chief Executive and General Secretary, said: “These measures are vital to expand the nursing workforce temporarily and help services in providing the highest level of care to patients."
RCN responds to the Prime Minister's statement on public sector workers and nursing staff in the House of Commons today
RCN Chief Executive and General Secretary, Dame Donna Kinnair, said: "It cannot be right that ten months into this pandemic, our nursing staff are still worse off than ten years ago."
Royal College of Nursing responds to ONS data on COVID-19 deaths of nursing staff
RCN Chief Executive and General Secretary, Dame Donna Kinnair, said: “Only with quality information and proper reporting can we have confidence that the full loss of life is known, and no family feels their loved one has been forgotten."
The UK nursing labour market review 2017
This is the 2017 report providing a review of the UK nursing labour market, looking at recent data and trends for nursing staff working in the health sector across the UK, drawing out differences, similarities and challenges across the four UK countries.
Royal College of Nursing responds to Government u-turn on plans for pandemic ban on social care staff moving between care homes
In October last year it emerged the Government was planning to introduce a ban on nursing staff moving between care homes in England to try to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Disability Passports:The RCN Peer Support Service Guide
This guide is for employees with impairments and their line managers.
Courageous about Equality and Bold about Inclusion
Equality, inclusion, diversity and human rights provide a foundation for a modern and forward looking profession where nurses, health care support workers, and students, regardless of the sector that they work in or their field of practice, can continue to transform their working environments and the care they deliver to patients.This new equality and inclusion strategy will enable us to scope, plan and begin delivery in new priority areas that will become increasingly important for our members in the coming years and beyond.
Royal College of Nursing responds to Dominic Cummings' Select Committee appearance
RCN Chair of Council, Dave Dawes, said: “Failures in planning, decision-making and accountability left nursing staff dangerously short of the protection they needed from the very beginning of the pandemic."