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Check your banding
We are working with employers on a trust-by-trust basis across the region to ensure every member of the nursing team is paid correctly for the work that they do and the level of responsibility they hold.
UCAS figures showing applicants to nursing courses in Scotland down by 8.3%
There are still several months left in this year’s application cycle, but these figures are a worrying snapshot following on from the fall in acceptances onto undergraduate nursing courses at Scottish universities in 2023 by 11% compared to the year before.
Manx Care nurses agree pay offer
Isle of Man members agree pay offer.
‘Emergency package of measures’ needed following collapse in nursing applicants, RCN tells government
The government must use the budget to introduce an emergency package of measures to support nurse recruitment, says RCN leader Pat Cullen after new official figures from UCAS show a further sharp drop in applicants to nursing courses for the next academic year.
The Best Study Spot in London
The RCN Library and Museum welcomes everyone studying nursing and its history. Whether you’re starting your first assignment or preparing for finals, our resources and facilities will support you every step of the way. Here are 8 reasons why we’re the best study spot in London for nursing and healthcare students.
Letter to the Secretary of State on the nursing recruitment crisis
Open letter to the Secretary of State on the nursing recruitment crisis
Working for change
After the general election, Regional Director for Yorkshire and the Humber, Sarah Dodsworth, looks ahead to how the RCN will engage with the new government.
Legal support for matters which occurred outside RCN membership
A guide for RCN members on legal support available for matters which occurred outside membership.
Branches are made up of all RCN members in a geographic area. They help organise RCN activities in their area and provide opportunities for members to participate in and shape the work of the RCN.
Coventry and Warwickshire
Coventry and Warwickshire