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NICE Guideline on Medicines Associated with Dependence or Withdrawal Symptoms: Safe Prescribing and Withdrawal Management for Adults
NICE consultation on the guideline for NICE guideline on medicines associated with dependence or withdrawal symptoms: safe prescribing and withdrawal management for adults
NICE Guideline on Epilepsies in Children, Young People and Adults
NICE Guideline on Epilepsies in Children, Young People and Adults
NMC post-registration standards
NMC consultation on post-registration standards
Type 2 diabetes in adults: management (update)
NICE Consultation on Type 2 diabetes in adults: management (update)
NICE Consultation on Tobacco: preventing uptake, promoting quitting and treating dependence
NICE guideline covering support to stop smoking for everyone aged 12 and over, and reducing people's harm from smoking if they are not ready to stop in one go. It also covers ways to prevent children, young people and young adults aged 24 and under from taking up smoking.
NICE Consultation on Inducing labour
This guideline covers the circumstances, methods and monitoring for inducing labour in pregnant women. It aims to improve the advice and care provided to women thinking about and having induction of labour.
Post-qualification Admissions in Higher Education: Proposed Changes
The government is holding a consultation on the university admissions system and a potential move to post qualification admissions.
NMC seeking views on education programme standards
Review of Minimum Education and Training Standards in Nursing and Midwifery – Qualitative Research Survey
NICE Consultation on Mental Wellbeing at Work
NICE Consultation on Mental Wellbeing at Work
RCN Safety Representative's Handbook
This handbook is designed to help RCN safety representatives carry out their work, whether they are new to the role or not. It suggests ways of getting started, and provides them with the latest information about key RCN services and resources, together with the key health and safety legislation they need to support members at work. Use it alongside the RCN representatives joint handbook designed for all RCN reps.