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Consultation on Safeguarding for Adults: Roles and Competencies
The Royal College of Nursing has been commissioned by NHS England to lead the development of the Safeguarding for Adults: Roles and Competencies resource. The RCN are now consulting on it and welcome your views.
NICE School-based Interventions: Health Promotion and Mental Well-being Quality Standard.
NICE Draft Quality Standard for School-based interventions: health promotion and mental well-being.
NICE Infant, children and young people's experience of healthcare
NICE are consulting on the draft scope for Infant, children and young people's experience of healthcare.
NICE Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management
NICE are consulting on the draft guideline for Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management.
NICE Urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in women: management
NICE Draft Guideline consultation for Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse in Women: Management.
Ending the sale of energy drinks to children
The Department of Health and Social Care are consulting on the proposed ban on selling energy drinks to children.
The UK NSC recommendations on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
The UK NSC recommendation on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (currently in consultation) is currently being reviewed as part of the UK NSC's regular review cycle of all policies.
Royal College of Radiologists Consultation on Suspected Physical Abuse in Children
The Royal College of Radiologists is consulting on revisions being proposed to four of the recommendations made in the recently published guidelines on the Radiological investigation of suspected physical abuse in children.
Evidence-Based Interventions
NHS England are now consulting on the design principles of the Evidence Based Interventions programme, the interventions they should target initially and proposed clinical criteria.
Transforming the Response to Domestic Abuse
This consultation by the Ministry of Justice is to stimulate a national conversation on how to prevent and tackle domestic abuse. They are working closely with support organisations that work with supporting victims to hold a series of events to capture as many views and experiences as possible.