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Community childrens nursing

Independent sector in Northern Ireland 

Many of our members in Northern Ireland are employed in the independent sector, also known as independent health and social care (IHSC). This includes all members working in settings outside the HSC, such as nursing homes, independent hospitals, nursing agencies, hospice services, general practices and more.

As the voice of nursing, we’re committed to connecting, engaging and representing nursing staff, no matter what sector or setting you’re employed in. This page signposts to useful information and resources about IHSC in Northern Ireland. For more general information about IHSC across the UK, please see our ‘Nursing across independent health and social care’ page.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact Brenda Rushe, our Lead Nurse for Independent Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland, at

Listen to our latest podcasts

Visit our Soundcloud page to listen to all our podcasts.

IHSC networks in Northern Ireland 

Our member-led networks in Northern Ireland provide professional networking opportunities and support for members in IHSC. This includes the Primary Care Network, the Independent Sector Nurse Managers Network (ISNMN) and the Independent Sector School Nurses Network. For more information, join our Independent Sector Network Facebook group or contact Brenda Rushe at

General nursing resources

Most of the resources on our website are relevant to all members – no matter what sector or setting you’re employed in. This includes many of our advice guides and subject guides, as well as the clinical information on RCN Learn.

18 blog posts
  • Linda Graham Linda Graham 17 Oct 2023

    RCN NI Independent Sector Runner-Up Award

    I am proud to say that my journey to achieving change in nursing homes has resulted in recognition of my hard work and dedication. I was honoured to receive the RCN NI Independent Sector Runner-Up Award. 

  • Brenda Rushe Brenda Rushe 3 Oct 2023

    The role of the Independent Health and Social Care Lead Nurse

    My role as Independent Health and Social Care Lead Nurse at RCN Northern Ireland role is exciting and diverse.

  • Rosaline Kelly Rosaline Kelly 2 Jun 2023

    Minimising the use of restrictive practice is your business too! Three Steps to Positive Practice

    So, you might be asking yourself – what has restrictive practice got to do with me? I don’t work in any type setting where this might happen, anything I do is in the person’s best interests and anyway, it’s important to keep people safe.….

  • Gary Mitchell Gary Mitchell 1 Jun 2023

    I am thrilled to share with you the findings of our recent research study on advance care planning in nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.  As a co-author of this study, I believe our findings hold great significance for your day-to-day practice, providing valuable insights into improving care and communication with care home residents and their families.

  • Sharon Smyth Sharon Smyth 26 May 2023

    Personal reflections on winning the RCN Nurse of the Year Independent Sector Award 2022

    Winning an award in recognition of work accomplished is indeed the highlight of any career, but I would add that winning when you are least expecting it makes it even more incredible!

Events in Northern Ireland

View a list of all our upcoming events and book your place today.

Page last updated - 11/06/2024