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Our work

RCN Northern's work reflects the interests of the nurses, health care assistants and nursing students who look to us for advice, guidance and support.

RCN Northern provides support, advice and representation on employment and professional matters to nurses, health care assistants, nursing students and midwives across the North East and Cumbria. 

Our services to Northern members are delivered by staff based at our regional office in Sunderland and accredited RCN representatives in the NHS and independent sector, who work in a diverse range of settings across the region.

Independent sector nurses' network

Our independent health and social care sector nurse lead, Leanne Hume, is active in the Northern region, championing strong clinical leadership and evidence based practice for service users across independent sector services in the North East and Cumbria. 

Leanne aims to improve the independent sector experience of RCN membership and help our IHSC members play an active part in policy development, practice development, service user and staff experience across the sector.

Multicultural nurses' group

The Global Majority Nursing network is a joint Yorkshire & the Humber and Northern region network that champions the rights of people originally from global majority communities. It holds regular events both virtual and in person, and  hopes to play an active and influential part in policy development relating to social inclusion, employment and care needs. 

Retired nurses' group

Our retired nurses’ group uses its collective knowledge and experience in consultation and lobbying activity, as well as in the promotion of nursing as a profession. 

It is active in consulting on national and regional policies and procedures to support and reflect nursing issues and continue to develop links with influential local health committees, such as clinical commissioning groups. 


All members belong to an RCN branch. Branches work across the NHS, independent and third sectors to deliver services to members and provide opportunities for members to participate in, shape and influence the work of the RCN.


Page last updated - 27/06/2024