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Press Releases

  • 06/08/2024 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to comments from Wes Streeting MP on refusal to treat patients

    RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive Professor Nicola Ranger said: “I’m sure like all of you, I’ve been horrified in the last week to see the appalling scenes across the country. Today, the Health Secretary has talked about his commitment to tackling any abuse of nursing staff and all health workers. Wes Streeting said that for him that this is grounds for turning away patients."

  • 05/08/2024 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to recent far-right race riots

    RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, Professor Nicola Ranger, said: “Migrant nursing staff are precious members of our communities, hardwired into the very DNA of our health and care services – we ask government to ensure that anybody targeting them pays a very heavy price."

  • 29/07/2024 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to the NHS pay announcement for nursing staff

    RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive Professor Nicola Ranger said: “When it comes to pay in the NHS, all professional groups deserve a clear route to fair pay restoration – making up for a very serious loss of earnings in the last 15 years. Stagnant salaries at a time of spiralling prices forced too many to leave and deterred others from joining."

  • 29/07/2024 Press Release

    RCN Urges Immediate Action on NHS Wales Pay Award

    The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Wales calls for an urgent response from the Welsh Government to the recent announcement from the UK Chancellor of a 5.5% pay award for nursing staff in England.  

  • 25/07/2024 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to appointment of Duncan Burton as Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England

    RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, Professor Nicola Ranger, said: “I’m delighted that Duncan Burton has been appointed as the new Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England. Following years of dedicated service at every level, some of those working side by side, I have every confidence in him as a powerful voice for our profession."

  • 19/07/2024 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s annual data report

    RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive Professor Nicola Ranger, said: “It is deeply alarming that over 5,000 young early-career nursing staff chose to quit the profession last year, most vowing never to return. When the vacancy rate is high and care standards often poor due to staffing levels, the NHS cannot afford to lose a single individual."

  • 19/07/2024 Press Release

    RCN Wales welcomes latest NMC registration figures

    The RCN is pleased to see the record increase in the number of registered nursing and midwifery professionals, reaching a historic high of 40,494.

  • 18/07/2024 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to the Module 1 Report of the UK COVID-19 Inquiry

    RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive Professor Nicola Ranger, said: “Today’s report will make emotional reading for nursing staff across the UK. The thoughts of our profession are with the bereaved, and those continuing to live with the long-term effects of COVID-19."    

  • 18/07/2024 Press Release

    Nursing applications down 27% in three years, as RCN urges new government to save NHS workforce plan

    RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, Professor Nicola Ranger, said: “Nursing is a wonderful and rewarding profession, but huge debt and financial insecurity are putting off the next generation. Patients and nursing staff alike need the new government to come good on their promises to deliver the workforce plan – after its first full year things have headed in the wrong direction at the very time we know the NHS is struggling to retain current staff."

  • 18/07/2024 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to publication of the Skills for Care Workforce Strategy for Adult Social Care

    RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, Professor Nicola Ranger, said: “It is not possible to ‘fix’ the NHS without addressing the poor state of social care. People are living longer with increasingly complex care needs, but governments of every colour have been unwilling to grapple with this issue for decades. Today’s ministers cannot afford to take the same approach."  


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Page last updated - 23/09/2024