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Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board Emergency Departments

3 Mar 2020

RCN Wales Calls for Patient Safety to be the Priority for Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board Emergency Departments

Helen Whyley, Director, Royal College of Nursing Wales, said: 

“The RCN has been fully engaged in all discussions pertaining to proposals to change services in emergency departments in Cwm Taff Morgannwg University Health Board and have been readily available to support our members as required.  Unfortunately, the issue of medical staffing has escalated recently and the services moving forward need to provide safe and sustainable care for patients, thus new models of care are being explored by the Health Board.  

In order to develop new models of care, more nursing roles, including advanced and consultant emergency nurse practitioners, are needed to complement and accommodate the challenges arising out of the shortage of medical personnel. The RCN is concerned that there aren’t enough Emergency Nurse Practitioners available to meet the proposals. These nurses should have been central to the Health Boards Integrated Medium Term Plan and we expect to see them investing in the training for these roles as well as asking for more under graduate nursing training places. 

We know that the right number of registered nurses and nursing support workers with the right skills makes a difference to the outcomes for patients. It is time for the Welsh Government to protect patient care by publishing a robust workforce strategy with the necessary funds to develop the nursing workforce.”

Page last updated - 17/05/2021