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RCN leader starts tour of NHS workplaces as strike ballot preparations pick up pace

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22 Aug 2022

Pat Cullen is meeting members across the UK as part of our fight for fair pay and patient safety.

Pat Cullen RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive poses with nursing staff at a London hospital while raising awareness of upcoming strike ballot

RCN General Secretary & Chief Executive Pat Cullen has today begun a tour of NHS workplaces to convince members to vote in favour of strike action in our upcoming ballot.

We’re campaigning for an NHS pay rise of 5% above inflation but governments have offered far less. Our ballot opens on 15 September and closes on 13 October. You’re eligible to vote if you work for an NHS employer on an Agenda for Change contract in England, Scotland or Wales. 

Pat began her tour today (22 August) in London and the South East, and will be visiting workplaces across the rest of the UK in the run-up to our ballot opening. 

After years of nursing staff being undervalued and underpaid, the ballot is your chance to say: enough is enough.  

Pat said: “We need as many members to get behind the strike ballot as possible, and we need your help to ensure colleagues are aware and ready to vote. Visiting workplaces, it is inspiring to see nursing staff coming together to fight for fair pay. Your power is in your numbers and working together we can change the course of nursing history for the better. 

“Staff shortages are putting patient safety at risk and governments across the UK have failed to listen, which has left us with no choice but to advocate for strike action. Members will stop at nothing to protect their patients and the future of their profession.” 

Pat Cullen RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive poses with nursing staff at a London hospital while raising awareness of upcoming strike ballot

Above: Pat Cullen (right) with two members of nursing staff.

To win the fight for fair pay, as many RCN members as possible need to get active and engaged in strike ballot activity. At least 50% of eligible members must vote, with the majority voting in favour, for strike action to be legal. In England and Scotland, there are further thresholds that would need to be met on top of this one for strike action to be legal. 

We’re asking members to sign up to become a Voting Volunteer to help us get the turnout we need. Voting Volunteers will help encourage friends and colleagues to take part in the strike ballot. This could be done in a number of ways to flexibly fit in with your working schedule and availability. 

Sign up to become a Voting Volunteer here. 

Page last updated - 11/02/2023