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Nominations are open for RCN London’s Rising Stars of 2024

18 Jun 2024

Celebrate the contribution of London’s Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic nursing communities’ contribution to health and social care in the capital.

Image of RCN London 2023 Rising Stars

The Rising Star awards are open to nurses, midwives, nursing support workers and nursing/midwifery students from the Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic community who you think have made an outstanding contribution to health and care in the capital over the past year. 

The awards are now in their seventh year, and we are already looking forward to celebrating the winners at our Black History Month event on the 25 October. But first we have to find them! And we need your help, because they are working with you in health and care settings across the London.

Get your thinking cap on

Maybe someone you work with has transformed patient care or spoken up for previously unheard groups. Maybe you have a colleague who has spoken up about discrimination. We want to hear all about them. There is lots of fantastic nursing taking place across the capital and now is your chance to shout about it.

We welcome nominations from within and outside the NHS, including nursing staff working for agencies, in general practice and in the independent sector. Anyone you nominate must be an RCN member.

Have a read of the eligibility criteria before nominating.

Who is eligible to be nominated?  

You can nominate an RCN London member who:

  • works in London
  • is from a Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic community 
  • works in a nursing role across bands 2-7, or role equivalent, or is a nursing/midwifery student
  • may work in the NHS or outside it, for an agency, in general practice or the independent sector
  • has not previously been the recipient of a Rising Star award

Please note you can only nominate individuals. Please do not use the same text for multiple nominations.

Closing date
The deadline for nominations is 23.59 on Tuesday 9 July.  Winners will be announced as part of our Black History Month celebrations in October.

How to nominate
To nominate a Rising Star please click here to complete the nomination form.

Page last updated - 18/06/2024