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414 blog posts
  • Penny Sibthorp Penny Sibthorp 28 Mar 2024

    'I am not an imposter - I am a work in progress'

    This blog will identify the common feeling of imposter syndrome experienced by many nurses in any clinical setting - but that self-growth is a journey and that you need to enjoy the experience and embrace change.

  • Elaine Francis Elaine Francis 26 Mar 2024

    Becoming Victor: Using virtual reality in frailty education

    Victor is based on a real gentleman. When you put the virtual reality glasses on you reappear in his flat, as you look around you can see football on the telly, tablets on the side to be taken, phone in the corner. Then the frailty impairments come in... mobility, vision, hearing, cognition... and you can't see what makes Victor Victor, you don't focus on one health or care need, you are all in - experiencing the vulnerability and frustration associated with living with frailty. Hundreds of learners have Become Victor during our frailty awareness and teaching. This blog shares some of what we've learnt along the way to keep people psychologically and physically safe.

  • RCN rep badge logo 2020 Matthew Stewart Matthew Stewart 22 Mar 2024

    Update on the recent Joint Reps Conference in Bristol

    I am Matthew, an RCN steward and South West Board Member for Gloucestershire Branch.  

  • Wendy Irwin Wendy Irwin 22 Mar 2024

    Our future must be greater than our past

    Wendy Irwin, our Diversity and Equalities Co-ordinator, discusses her reaction to Frank Hester's comments about Diane Abbott MP and the importance of anti-racism.

  • Sheilabye Sobrany Sheilabye Sobrany 21 Mar 2024

    'We must all be upstanding to help combat racism'

    To mark International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, RCN President Sheila Sobrany explains what the RCN is doing to tackle racism and how you can help.

  • Rian Gleave Rian Gleave 21 Mar 2024

    The change train!

    RCN South East's Rian Gleave considers how to successfully implement change in the workplace. 

  • Sarah Hammond Sarah Hammond 21 Mar 2024

    My career progression in the care home sector

    Sarah Hammond, Deputy Manager at Victoria Chatsworth care home in Sussex, on her career path from HCA to a Nursing Associate university course.

  • Emma Sheriff Emma Sheriff 21 Mar 2024

    Recruitment and retention: a double challenge

    Emma Sheriff from Victoria Nursing Group on how to attract and retain nursing staff in the care home sector.

  • Lisa Higgins Lisa Higgins 21 Mar 2024

    Premenstrual dysphoric disorder PMDD

     Guiding individuals through a journey of self-discovery and empowerment in relation to their menstrual cycles.

  • Tracey McErlain-Burns Tracey McErlain-Burns 21 Mar 2024

    An invitation to get involved

    Tracey McErlain-Burns, RCN Yorkshire and the Humber Board Chair, invites you to get involved with the RCN this Spring.