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414 blog posts
  • Olivia De Almeida Olivia De Almeida 10 May 2024

    The RCN Cadet Scheme Confirmed my desire to become a nurse.

    Olivia De Almeida, an Alumni Nursing Cadet, explains why the Prince of Wales Nursing Cadet Scheme confirmed her desires to be come a nurse.

  • Carol Dale Carol Dale 9 May 2024

    Reshaping the narrative around care homes and the nursing staff who work there

    Carol Dale, our Lead Nurse for Independent Health and Social Care in Scotland, discusses the challenges facing care homes and why she still has hope for the future.

  • Michael Nevill Michael Nevill 9 May 2024

    Decriminalising abortion: A call for healthcare reform

    Most abortion services are nurse led, and following some high profile court cases, healthcare organisations and other royal colleges are calling for the decriminalisation of abortion across the UK. This blog outlines why decriminalisation is important and informs our members of the next steps.

  • Rose Gallagher MBE Rose Gallagher MBE 4 May 2024

    Hand hygiene starts with good skin care

    On World Hand Hygiene Day, RCN Head of Health, Safety and Wellbeing Kim Sunley and RCN Professional Lead for Infection Prevention and Control Rose Gallagher talk about the importance of good skin care.

  • Networking Pam Penman Pam Penman 2 May 2024

    The power of connection

    Pam shares how the RCN has been working to connect our members across independent health and social care in Wales.

  • Sarah Winfield Davies at an office desk with a computer, mouse and keyboard on it in front of a window with blinds Sarah Winfield-Davies Sarah Winfield-Davies 1 May 2024

    Update from your South West lead nurse for the independent health and social care sector

    I have been in post for just over a year now, so I wanted to share some of the things I have been doing.

  • Graphic of RCN student with fob watch and clipboard Faith Aidamoisa Faith Aidamoisa 1 May 2024

    Meet your new RCN Students Committee member

    I am Faith Aidamoisa, new representative member for the Northern region on the RCN’s Students Committee. 

  • Phil Walton Phil Walton 30 Apr 2024

    Organ donation and the Emergency Department

    With the introduction of the Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Act on 20 May 2020, the subject of organ donation and transplantation again has a spotlight shone on it. The Emergency Department plays a pivotal role in the admission and stabilisation of patients with a perceived devastating brain injury and this talk breaks down that process in the context of organ donation and the amazing gift it may bring.

  • RFDS Paul Ingram Paul Ingram 30 Apr 2024

    Critical Care at 30,000ft

    Transporting a Critical Care patient within a hospital is sometimes a difficult and dangerous task. At 30,000ft transporting a Critical Care patient from hospital to hospital or accident scene to a hospital can be even more difficult and dangerous when combined with the aviation environment.

  • Vari Drennan and Janet Hargreaves Vari Drennan and Janet Hargreaves 30 Apr 2024

    Looking to trace a nurse from the past? Start here

    Are you interested in tracing a nurse from the past? Maybe a family member, someone important to your field of practice, or who nursed at a significant point in our history? Are you wondering where to start looking? This updated guide is there to help you and is an excellent starting point.