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414 blog posts
  • Sabine Torgler Sabine Torgler Sabine Torgler 24 May 2024

    Heimat: Home Is where your love is, home is where your profession is

    Hello everyone. My name is Sabine Torgler. I’m 50 years old, an overseas nurse from Germany. 21 years ago, I made the life-changing decision to move to the UK, and it’s a decision I have never regretted. 

  • Ciara Collins Ciara Collins 24 May 2024

    Martha's Rule

    Phase one of Martha's Rule will be implemented in the NHS in April 2024. Once fully implemented; patients, families, carers and advocates will have access to a rapid review from a separate team if they are worried about a persons condition or treatment plan. This rule will a have an immediate impact on critical care outreach teams who will be required to carry out the rapid review and refer accordingly.

  • Audience at Congress Vicky Brotherton Vicky Brotherton 16 May 2024

    Congress reflections

    I expect some members are wondering what this thing called Congress is that you may have heard about at RCN branch meetings and on social media.

  • Rian Gleave Rian Gleave 15 May 2024

    Fancy a shot?

    If I had a choice between a shot of sambuca or a vaccine shot, my preference would be for the former.

  • Callum Metcalfe-O'Shea Callum Metcalfe-O'Shea 14 May 2024

    My journey as GPN to UK Professional Lead - Why GPN?

    This blog provides an overview of the dynamic role of general practice nursing (GPN) and how the current UK Professional Lead for Long Term Conditions journey began in the world of primary care.

  • Amanda Epps Amanda Epps 14 May 2024

    Diabetes in Sierra Leone

    This blog explains the complexities of managing diabetes in the developing country of Sierra Leone in Africa. I discuss the challenges associated with providing care such as poverty, lack of resources including insulin and other diabetes medications, malnutrition and infectious diseases.

  • Tiago Horta Reis da Silva Tiago Horta Reis da Silva 14 May 2024

    Ageing in Place: Nursing Older People at Home

    This blog discusses the importance of providing nursing care to older individuals in their homes, particularly for geriatrics, community health, and home care professionals. It highlights the benefits of quality care delivery and promotes well-being and independence.

  • Alan Finnegan Alan Finnegan 14 May 2024

    Nursing and the Armed Forces Community

    Military nursing is a vital, yet often overlooked, area of our profession. RCN Fellow and former British Army Colonel Alan Finnegan is determined to change this.  

  • Dr Stephen Jones Dr Stephen Jones 14 May 2024

    Movement: Moving more for our mental health

    This Mental Health Awareness Week, RCN Head of Nursing Practice Stephen Jones shares how nursing interventions can help individuals and communities understand the benefits of exercise for mental health.

  • Nurses-Day-800x400 Julie Lamberth Julie Lamberth 10 May 2024

    I know many of you will be holding activities today and over the weekend to mark Nurses’ Day.

    I know many of you will be holding activities today and over the weekend to mark Nurses’ Day.