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419 blog posts
  • Tracey Budding Tracey Budding 25 Aug 2022

    Fighting for the future of nursing

    RCN Deputy President Tracey Budding examines what the nursing workforce crisis means for the profession and its patients, both now and in the future.

  • Sandra Stickland Sandra Stickland 25 Aug 2022

    Enough is enough - vote to take action on pay

    Nursing is in crisis with staff forced to use food banks. This is happening even though we live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

  • Pat Cullen Pat Cullen 19 Aug 2022

    Getting ready for industrial action strike ballots

    Pat Cullen, RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, updates members on preparations for industrial action strike ballots and how important this is to secure the future of the profession and safe patient care

  • Time to talk about nursing pay 800x400 Geoffrey Walker Geoffrey Walker 17 Aug 2022

    We are facing the most difficult time for over 30 years.

    Inflation (CIPH rate) is expected to soon be 9%, interest rates have increased to 1.75%, utility bills increased by 54% last April and are expected to rise again in October. We cannot meet these demands with a pay award of between 2.5 and 4.5 %

  • Are you ballot ready? Sarah Dodsworth Sarah Dodsworth 12 Aug 2022

    Now is the time to raise your voice

    Who would have thought that the RCN would even consider balloting members to contemplate industrial action?

  • Goncalo Ribeiro Goncalo Ribeiro 10 Aug 2022

    What an enriching experience

    What an opportunity to be a voting member at Congress 2022

  • Helen Bedford and Helen Donovan Helen Bedford and Helen Donovan 3 Aug 2022

    RCN NICE immunisation guideline

    A new NICE guideline (NG218) on Vaccine Uptake in the General Population was published in May 2022

  • Carol Popplestone Carol Popplestone 28 Jul 2022

    Change happens when we come together and speak up

    Carol Popplestone, Chair of RCN Council, reflects on a week that sees public support for the nursing profession grow as we continue to fight for fair pay and patient safety.

  • Gail Mander Gail Mander 16 Feb 2021

    Tissue Donation - Information for Healthcare Professionals

    Up to 50 people can benefit from tissue donated from 1 donor, but despite the amazing benefits that tissue donation can bring and the comfort that donation can give to bereaved families, it is a subject that many health care professionals know little about.