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415 blog posts
  • Stephen Jones Stephen Jones 27 Jul 2023

    Is mental health nursing being diluted?

    Stephen Jones, our Professional Lead for Mental Health, discusses the concerns of nursing staff about the future of mental health nursing in the UK. 

  • Marie Murray Marie Murray 27 Jul 2023

    Older people and living with HIV

    Older people are living longer with HIV across the UK, which is a cause for celebration.

  • Estephanie Dunn Estephanie Dunn 26 Jul 2023

    Learn from the past but look to the future

    Our NW Regional Director reflects on the last few months. 

  • Lisa Tomlinson, North Tees Hospital TNA in the second Teesside University cohort Paige Barsby Paige Barsby 21 Jul 2023

    Growing the nursing workforce

    I’m a practice facilitator supporting trainee nursing associates (TNAs) in Somerset, and my focus is on expanding my university’s current placements for our TNAs into social care.

  • Linda Nazarko Linda Nazarko 17 Jul 2023

    Choose health, choose life

    Lifespan has increased since the NHS was founded 75 years ago. Then, the average lifespan for a man was 65 years. Now, it’s 78. A woman’s average lifespan was 70 years. Now it’s 83.

  • Pain and Palliative care mouthcare Suzanne Monks Suzanne Monks 14 Jul 2023

    Mouth care at end of life and how ‘taste for pleasure’ can enhance this

    Mouth care at end of life and how ‘taste for pleasure’ can enhance this.

  • Professor Nicola Ranger Professor Nicola Ranger 14 Jul 2023

    Global nursing matters

    RCN Chief Nurse Professor Nicola Ranger speaks out on the need for greater engagement with the international nursing community on matters affecting the profession. 

  • Jess Read Jess Read 13 Jul 2023

    ICM: Learning, laughing and sharing with 3,500 of the worlds midwives

    The experiences of a UK midwife attending the International Confederation of Midwives Council meeting and Congress in Bali June 2023. Discussions on Climate Change and Midwifery Continuity of Carer were illuminating when heard from the experiences of midwives from around the world. 

  • Theresa Porrett Theresa Porrett 11 Jul 2023

    RCN Eastern members - helping achieve our goals

    Eastern region Council Member, Theresa Porrett, considers her experiences of the last six months and future goals.

  • Emma Bird Emma Bird 10 Jul 2023

    A vital tool on our student nurse journey

    Emma Bird, the Eastern region's RCN Student Committee member, takes a look at the Practice Assessment Document (PAD) from a nursing student's perspective.