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414 blog posts
  • Oladunni Akinbulumo Oladunni Akinbulumo 28 Feb 2024

    The dream of true recognition for our profession.

    Introducing our new NW Professional Nursing Committee Rep. 

  • Anonymous Anonymous 28 Feb 2024


    This blog has been submitted by a member who wishes to remain anonymous, for reasons that will become clear as you read it. Bullying is a common phenomenon for nurses, with around a quarter of the nursing family experiencing bullying in the past year. This blog highlights my personal experience of “gaslighting” - a specific type of bullying, and how I am gradually recovering from this.

  • Anne Howard Anne Howard 22 Feb 2024

    Male Factor Fertility publication

    This blog explores the recent publication from the Fertility Nursing Forum focusing on male factor fertility. We also focus on the collaboration of specialist team members to write the document.

  • Mental Health Forum Mental Health Forum 21 Feb 2024

    Celebrating Mental Health Nurses’ Day

    The Royal College of Nursing’s Mental Health Forum wants to acknowledge and thank all mental health nursing staff across the UK and beyond for everything they do to support the care, treatment, and recovery of people from all walks of life.  

  • Dr Sarah Rogers and Margaret Graham Dr Sarah Rogers and Margaret Graham 21 Feb 2024

    History of Nursing Forum volunteers receive the Wikimedia UK, Partnership of the Year Award

    History of Nursing Forum volunteers for the 'Women in Red’ project, which uploads nursing history to the Wikipedia website, received the above award at the annual Wikimedia UK community on-line meeting in November 2023. 

  • Victoria Richmond Victoria Richmond 14 Feb 2024

    What matters to you?

    Has anyone lately asked, ‘what matters to you?’ What matters to you as an individual? What matters to our patients? What about as a staff member?

  • Luke Evans Luke Evans 14 Feb 2024

    Voicing your passion

    Nurses often find it challenging to speak up due to lack of psychological safety. This blog seeks to share that even those in leadership still feel like an imposter and encourages nurses of all levels to give voice to their passion.

  • Hospital bed Sandy Harding Sandy Harding 12 Feb 2024

    Bed 19

    Sandy shares how her daughter was referred to as her bed number throughout her hospital stay and discusses the importance of communication in patient care.

  • Professor Nicola Ranger Professor Nicola Ranger 6 Feb 2024

    HIV Testing Week

    For HIV Testing Week, RCN Chief Nurse Professor Nicola Ranger writes about why she's determined to be part of ending the HIV epidemic.

  • Professor Daniel Kelly Professor Daniel Kelly 4 Feb 2024

    Eliminating cervical cancer: closing the gap

    On World Cancer Day, RCN Fellow Professor Daniel Kelly takes stock of the significant progress made against this cancer – but says there’s more to do.