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Press Releases

  • 10/01/2024 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to the Labour Party’s Child Health Action Plan

    Royal College of Nursing General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat Cullen, said: “Nursing staff lead public health services and will support a focus on prevention and detection for the youngest. They can support the development of this approach with expertise and evidence on the clear benefits to health outcomes, society and communities when you invest in children and parents to break the cycle of disadvantage."

  • 10/01/2024 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to new government plans to boost domestic care workforce

    Royal College of Nursing Director for England, Patricia Marquis said: "We hope ministers are at last getting the message that the only way to fill the significant vacancies in social care is by valuing nursing and care staff, and boosting domestic recruitment. However, the plans announced today will fail if they are not backed up by new funding commitments, further detail, and a comprehensive workforce plan."

  • 08/01/2024 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to Recruitment and Employment Confederation study showing increasing demand for healthcare staff

    Responding to a Recruitment and Employment Confederation study showing an increasing demand for healthcare staff, Royal College of Nursing General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat Cullen, said: “The labour choice that too many are making is not to enter nursing at all - there are falling numbers of students on nurse courses this year. People see the profession is not valued and rewarded fairly and are choosing not to join it, with many others quitting early too."

  • 07/01/2024 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to the Prime Minister's claim that the government reached an agreement with nursing staff on their pay offer

    Responding to the Prime Minister’s claim on ‘Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg’ that the government reached an agreement with nursing staff on their pay offer, Royal College of Nursing General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat Cullen, said:  “The Prime Minister is forgetting basic facts – he never reached a pay resolution with nursing staff in the NHS. Our members rejected his pay offer and we remain in dispute."

  • 05/01/2024 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing calls strike action in Northern Ireland and urges politicians to act on nursing pay

    Rita Devlin, Director of the RCN in Northern Ireland said:  “It has been four years since nurses in Northern Ireland first took strike action to ensure pay parity with colleagues in England and Wales. It is nothing short of immoral that we have been put in this position once again and are the lowest paid nursing staff in the UK. What an indictment on how we treat health care workers and the value we place on them."

  • 29/12/2023 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to the New Year Honours

    Royal College of Nursing President Sheilabye Sobrany said: “On behalf of the RCN, I would like to share our warmest congratulations to all of those who have been recognised in the New Year Honours. Your work is truly inspiring and represents the very best of nursing."

  • 29/12/2023 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing comments on TUC warning on anti-strikes law

    Royal College of Nursing General Secretary, and Chief Executive, Pat Cullen said: “The Strikes Act is dangerous and unwise. Ministers are seeking to silence nursing staff, stopping them from speaking out over patient safety concerns, or protesting poor pay and working conditions."

  • 28/12/2023 Press Release

    Nursing union leader reflects on first UK-wide strike and year ahead

    The anger and optimism of the year’s nursing strikes resulted in only modest progress as politicians did enough to ‘save their own skins, not the revolution needed’, Pat Cullen will say.

  • 27/12/2023 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to Liberal Democrats' analysis showing hospital car parking fees have soared by 50%

    Royal College of Nursing Director for England, Patricia Marquis, said: “For nursing staff and support workers, the soaring cost of parking takes too much of their low wage. Nurses work around the clock to be there for their patients – and working odd shift times or in difficult locations means public transport is not always possible. District nurses even pay their own fuel costs to travel to patients."

  • 21/12/2023 Press Release

    Royal College of Nursing responds to NHS England Urgent and Emergency Care Daily Situation Report

    Royal College of Nursing Director for England, Patricia Marquis, said: “Nursing staff are being stretched to their limit, and the public deserves better care. Bed occupancy is at its highest level this year, and is now higher than this time last year. This will inevitably lead to unsafe and undignified patient care. In some trusts, one nurse could be left caring for 10, 15, or more patients at a time, and patients are being treated in the back of ambulances, in corridors, and on chairs and trolleys."


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Page last updated - 22/03/2024