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Royal College of Nursing responds to QualityWatch report 'How much is Covid-19 to blame for growing NHS waiting times?'

Press Release 05/09/2022

Responding to QualityWatch report 'How much is Covid-19 to blame for growing NHS waiting times?', RCN Director for England, Patricia Marquis, said:  

“The first thing the new Prime Minister should do following today’s announcement is put this report at the top of their in-tray.

“Its clear message is that the NHS in England was on its knees even before the pandemic and that even without COVID-19 waiting lists would have risen dramatically.

“It points to the basic demand, staffing and resources mismatch – something our overworked, underpaid and undervalued nursing staff are all too aware of. And because of which patients are suffering.

“Nursing is now having to consider strike action to get ministers’ attention and we will be balloting our members next week.

“I am telling them that the time has come to vote for strike action this year - it is the best way to show politicians what we mean when we say 'enough is enough'. No one should have to leave this fantastic profession, and patients deserve and require better care.”


Notes to Editors 

The report is available here: QualityWatch: How much is Covid-19 to blame for growing NHS waiting times? The findings include:
• The total waiting list for elective care was steadily increasing before Covid-19, from 2.5 million in April 2012 to 4.6 million in February 2020.
• At the beginning of the pandemic, the waiting list dropped to 4 million as GP appointments and referrals fell.
• Since then, the waiting list has soared to 6.7 million in May 2022 and is growing at a significantly faster rate than before the pandemic.
• If pre-pandemic trends had continued, we might have expected the waiting list to be around 5.3 million.

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