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Royal College of Nursing responds to Prime Minister’s Questions

Press Release 07/09/2022

Responding to comments made by Liz Truss is her first Prime Minister’s Questions today, RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat Cullen, said:

“To suggest that the incredible financial hardship nursing is facing – having to use food banks to make ends meet – is talking down the NHS is missing the point entirely.

“Nursing will be dismayed by her dismissive response to the reality they face. They are struggling – at home and work – like never before.

“The PM says her new health secretary is going to take immediate action to tackle the key issues bedevilling the NHS – for nursing, the combined impact of the workforce and cost-of-living crises is top of the list.

“There are 47,000 unfilled nurse posts in England’s NHS alone – Ms Coffey says she has an ABCD plan for the NHS, but should start at the other end of the alphabet with W for workforce.

“In just over a week’s time we will be posting strike ballot papers to 300,000 nursing staff across the UK. After many years of underinvestment, they are standing up for patients and themselves.

“Until the new prime minister puts forward a fair and adequate proposal, I will continue asking nursing staff to take strike action.”


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