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Royal College of Nursing responds to NHS England board report

Press Release 07/07/2022

Responding to a report on NHS staff pay presented to NHS England's board today, RCN England Director, Patricia Marquis, said:

“NHS England boss Amanda Pritchard was right to recognise the 'operational necessity' of a fair pay rise for nursing. We fully agree that the forthcoming pay rise is integral to the recruitment and retention in nursing and the very viability of the services they work in. The number of people quitting is increasing and that must be addressed.

“After a decade of real terms pay cuts and in the midst of a cost-of-living disaster, this year’s pay award needs to be a big one - 5% above the level of inflation to make people feel valued, prevent more from leaving and keep patients safe. This must be fully funded with additional investment from Government.

“A pay rise of only three percent will do nothing to stem the tide. The new Health Secretary must rise above the political mayhem engulfing government and indicate his support for nursing with an immediate and substantial pay rise, already three months overdue."

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