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Royal College of Nursing responds to new Health Secretary's appointment

Press Release 06/07/2022

Responding to the appointment of Steve Barclay as the new Health and Social Care Secretary, RCN Chair of Council, Carol Popplestone, said:

“His imminent decision on NHS pay will send the first and greatest signal on the relationship Mr. Barclay wants with his health and care workforce. If he doles out another real terms pay cut before his feet are properly under the desk, our professionals will immediately lose faith in him.

“We urge him to listen and then act. Our members face incredible hardship - struggling to pay the bills and going to food banks - and it is in no small part down to a decade of pay cuts by government.

“This dire situation is driving people out of nursing and adding to the staffing crisis. His action in the next few days can begin to turn the tide for these people who give so much of themselves to their work and the nation’s health.”


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07891 109 146

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020 7647 3696

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020 7647 3459

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020 7647 3633