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Royal College of Nursing responds to High Court ruling on agency workers and strike action

Press Release 13/07/2023

Responding to the High Court ruling on agency workers and strike action, RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat Cullen, said:

“This is a victory for all trade unions and workers including nurses who have already demonstrated their ability to take safe strike action.

“The UK has some of the most draconian anti-trade union laws in the world, including those that make it challenging for members of trade unions to take strike action in the first place by forcing a postal ballot. Diluting the impact of strike action by enabling employers to utilise agency workers was another encroachment on the freedom to strike. We welcome the court’s decision today to quash these regulations. 

“The government should also take note of this decision, while it continues to push through further anti-strike legislation that would leave those taking strike action at risk of losing their jobs. Will it stand up to scrutiny, or is it another attempt to silence those advocating for fairness?”


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