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Royal College of Nursing responds to Chancellor and Health Secretary’s resignations

Press Release 05/07/2022

Royal College of Nursing responds to Chancellor and Health Secretary’s resignations

Responding to Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Sajid Javid’s resignations, RCN Chair of Council, Carol Popplestone, said:

“Before the government started to crumble, it had long been happening in the NHS and social care.

“The next NHS pay award is three months late already and the two people responsible have walked out tonight - on the NHS’s 74th birthday. The nursing staff, struggling to pay the bills and going to food banks, will wonder when and if it’s coming.

"After a decade of pay cuts, this award needs to be a big one - 5% above the level of inflation to make people feel valued, prevent them from leaving and keep patients safe.”


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