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411 blog posts
  • Alison J Tierney Alison J Tierney 24 Oct 2022

    50 years since the Briggs Report

    How one influential report published half a century ago is still at the heart of nursing today. 

  • Dr Denise Chaffer Dr Denise Chaffer 24 Oct 2022

    We must work together to transform the RCN

    RCN President Dr Denise Chaffer reflects on the findings of the recent independent review into RCN culture and sets out the need for both immediate actions and transformational change.

  • Dr Helena Ann Mitchell Dr Helena Ann Mitchell 20 Oct 2022

    There is solidarity and safety in strike action

    Dr Helena Ann Mitchell, RCN Mental Health Forum member and Chair of RCN Mental Health Forum ethnic minority subgroup reflects on the current strike action ballot as an opportunity to use a collective voice to influence change.

  • Estephanie Dunn Estephanie Dunn 20 Oct 2022

    The time to stand up and be counted is now.

    Estephanie Dunn, Regional Director of RCN North West, on the importance of using your vote. 

  • Tobias Kunkel - Vote Tobias Kunkel Tobias Kunkel 19 Oct 2022

    Stand up now and demand change

    If we are to achieve meaningful and lasting change, each and every one of us eligible to vote must  take the opportunity and make our opinion known.

  • Anne Howard Anne Howard 19 Oct 2022

    Congress 2022 and hopes for the future

    A reflection on congress 2022 as we prepare the ground for 2023, my highlights and hopes.

  • Carol Popplestone Carol Popplestone 18 Oct 2022

    RCN Council is committed to driving change following the Carr review

    Carol Popplestone, Chair of RCN Council, updates members following the publication of the independent Carr report into RCN culture

  • Angela Cartwright Angela Cartwright 18 Oct 2022

    Can I really do this? Imposter syndrome in nurses and midwives

    Nurses and midwives at all stages of their career can be affected by impostor syndrome, from student nurses to nurse leaders, newly qualified to academics. You would be surprised at how many inspiring nursing /midwifery leaders consider they are not good enough.

  • David Vickers David Vickers 14 Oct 2022

    Intergenerational practice in nursing and the RCN

    A retired nurse member's perspective on intergenerational practice in nursing and the RCN.

  • Pat Cullen Pat Cullen 13 Oct 2022

    Striking for patient safety

    RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive Pat Cullen updates members on our independent review of the culture of the RCN, NHS strike ballot and how we continue to campaign for safe staffing and fair pay across the UK.