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Taking action for nursing and our patients

Professor Pat Cullen 11 Aug 2022

Pat Cullen, RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive updates members on the upcoming pay ballots in England and Wales and encourages all members to find out more about the fight for fair pay.

This week we announced the dates of our industrial action strike ballot for our members working for the NHS in England and Wales. The postal ballot will open on 15 September and members will have four weeks to respond, with the vote closing on 13 October. I urge you to urgently check we have your up-to-date home address and employer details so that every eligible member receives their postal ballot. 

Industrial action is a last resort, but the current NHS staffing crisis is causing unacceptable risk to patients and nursing staff. The UK government’s failure to listen has left us with no choice but to advocate for strike action. That’s why we’re urging members to vote in favour of industrial action - your vote in the upcoming ballot will be essential in turning the tide on low pay.

The pay ballot for members working in NHS Scotland on Agenda for Change terms and conditions in Scotland closed last week and the RCN Scotland Board, RCN Trade Union and RCN Council members have been considering carefully the results. The joint health trade unions will make a formal response to Scottish government on the pay offer – and our members in Scotland will soon receive an email detailing the ballot result.

In Northern Ireland we continue our campaign on pay, and in the absence of a functioning Northern Ireland Executive, we wrote to the leaders of the main political parties to warn them of the serious consequences of any potential breach in pay parity with the rest of the UK as a result of a failure to implement a pay award for 2022-23. 

Our members working in independent health and care organisations deliver safety critical nursing care and you deserve pay, terms and conditions that at least match your colleagues in the NHS. We have always been clear that what the governments across the UK award colleagues working for the NHS is an indication of what they believe nursing staff in any setting deserves – that is why we continue to call for pay parity between the NHS and every other setting. Find out more about our Fair Pay for Nursing campaign. 

On Monday we also announced the candidates and voting dates for our President Election and that our current Deputy President, Tracey Budding, has been re-elected unopposed to this important governance role. Congratulations Tracey! Our President election voting period has been delayed so it will not coincide with the dates of our industrial action ballot - the postal ballot will open on 24 October. The role of RCN President is an incredibly important one as our President acts as an ambassador not just for the RCN but for our profession in the UK and internationally. Find out more about the candidates on our website

Finally, our members in Wales are being asked to submit questions ahead of the Welsh Parliament’s Health and Social Care Committee meeting with the Health Minister in September. Engaging with governments across the UK on the key issues facing our profession is vitally important – the voice of nursing must be heard if we are to see the changes we need for our profession and our patients.  

Pat Cullen

Professor Pat Cullen

Former General Secretary and Chief Executive

Pat has worked at the RCN since 2016. Before being appointed General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat was Director of RCN Northern Ireland from May 2019 to April 2021.

Page last updated - 10/01/2023