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Speaking up for our profession and our patients

Professor Pat Cullen 7 Jul 2022

Pat Cullen, RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, updates members on upcoming ballots and how we continue to fight for fair pay for all members working across health and social care. 

Following the resignation of the Prime Minister earlier today, a political vacuum now exists at a time when nursing staff providing care and treatment against all odds face unrelenting pressure and a workforce crisis.

The new Health Secretary Steve Barclay must rise above the mayhem and indicate his support for nursing with an immediate and substantial pay rise, already three months overdue.

The silence regarding the pay award speaks volumes and reinforces the fact that this government refuses to prioritise nursing. They do so at their peril, as we know that an award of five percent above inflation is needed to address the stark staffing crisis in nursing.

When nursing suffers, patients suffer. Without a decent pay rise, which recognises the unique skills of our safety-critical profession, we risk more nursing staff making the difficult choice to leave the profession they love because they cannot afford to stay – in turn putting patient care at risk.

Please know that whenever the pay announcement is made, we are ready. We have a series of workshops starting next week – please join one of these to ensure the voice of nursing is heard loud and clear this year. Our strength is in our numbers and the RCN will support whatever action you decide to take, but we need you to tell us what it is you want to do. We have materials available for you to download and order for use in your workplaces to help spread the word.

In Scotland we are gearing up for the launch of our pay ballot which is only a few days away now. From 9am on Tuesday 12 July eligible members in Scotland will be voting on an offer from the Scottish government to all staff on Agenda for Change terms and conditions. They will also be asked whether they would be willing to take industrial action, including strike action to improve the offer. This is to get their views and by no means the final legal ballot needed.

From 6.30pm tonight RCN Scotland Board member Hilary Nelson and RCN Council representative for Scotland Geoff Earl will be answering members’ questions on the offer and the ballot. If the offer applies to you, I would urge you to join this or one of the many other sessions being put on by members and staff. Last year almost 30% of eligible members in Scotland took part- this year we need to hear from many more members on what they think about the offer and what they are prepared to do in support of an improved offer. You’ll have until 5pm on 4 August to vote in the ballot – please encourage your colleagues to take part too.

And on the Isle of Man, conciliation talks earlier in the year resulted in no improvement to the 2021-22 pay award from Manx Care of 4% but an increase in the 2022-23 offer from 2% to 4%. A consultation ballot on whether to accept or reject the new combined pay offer will open on 11 July. Members will also be asked if they would be willing to take any form of industrial action if the offer is rejected.

Finally, on Tuesday we marked the 74th anniversary of the NHS and called for greater investment in our nursing workforce. We’ll be maintaining pressure on all UK governments that we must see a pay increase across health and social care that addresses the cost of living and historic underfunding of our profession. By the momentous 75th birthday next year, we must be well on the road to seeing nursing as a respected and valued profession – with the investment to match.

Pat Cullen

Professor Pat Cullen

Former General Secretary and Chief Executive

Pat has worked at the RCN since 2016. Before being appointed General Secretary and Chief Executive, Pat was Director of RCN Northern Ireland from May 2019 to April 2021.

Page last updated - 11/03/2023