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Seasons Greetings!

Sarah Dodsworth 2 Dec 2024

Sarah Dodsworth, Regional Director for Northern and Yorkshire & the Humber reflects on 2024 and the year ahead. 

As we head into December, I can’t believe how another year has flown by! It feels just like yesterday that we were waiting to see what 2024 had in store for us.

This year, I’m proud to have seen members in the Northern and Yorkshire and the Humber region continue to meet and advocate for a better nursing profession. It’s been such a joy to see RCN members coming together for a whole host of reasons, whether that’s for Pride parades, our Global Majority Network, branch AGMs, reps’ support networks, and our new Independent Health and Social Care Network – to name just a few! Seeing your passion and determination for advancing the nursing profession is what makes my job worthwhile.

You are determined to make your voices heard. In September, a record 145,000 eligible members cast a vote with two-thirds (64%) of them saying they didn’t accept the 5.5% NHS England pay award from the UK government. As RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive Nicola Ranger said at the time: “We are witnessing a fundamental shift in the determination of nursing staff to stand up for themselves, their patients and the NHS they believe in.”

But I don’t want to pretend like 2024 has come without its challenges. This year, like recent years, has come with uncertainties. Throughout 2024, I – like many of you – have felt concern, anxiety and sorrow when it comes to the global conflicts and political instability we are witnessing around the world. These are, no doubt, hard times. For many of our members, I’m aware of how the cost-of-living crisis is making your lives more difficult.

As your trade union, we are here for you. As a member of the RCN, we have a range of options for you if you need support. Firstly, if you’re having problems at work or are facing employment issues, contact our Advice Team for assistance. You can call, email or even chat with our virtual assistant.

In addition to our brilliant Advice Team, we offer RCN members a free and confidential counselling service, alongside financial advice and a careers service. We also offer immigration advice and support and assistance from our welfare team, too. As a member of the RCN, you are not alone.

Lastly, I want to say thank you – to all of you: our members. The work that you do caring for your patients is inspirational, as is your drive to improve the nursing profession. As Christmas is nearly upon us, I want to say to all who celebrate: Happy Christmas. If you do get the opportunity, I hope you rest up and recharge after a busy year. For those of you who are working over the festive season: the work you do is so brilliant – and the country is lucky to have you. Thank you.

Here is to wishing all of you the best New Year possible. See you next year.


Sarah Dodsworth

Sarah Dodsworth

Regional Director, RCN Northern and Yorkshire & the Humber regions

Sarah has been a nurse for almost 35 years and is dual qualified in general and mental health nursing. Sarah previously held the post of operational manager for the RCN in its South East region before relocating to the North to take up posts in the care home sector and then the NHS.

Page last updated - 11/02/2025