My first impression from the inside is we’re very member led; we listen to our members and act on what they ask of us. We passed a Congress resolution this year on independent sector parity with NHS terms and conditions, so we’re taking a stand; there’s a big piece of work going on behind the scenes. Find out more.
I’d like to show our independent sector members how we’re already representing them and how much bang for their buck they actually get within their existing membership. For example our learning opportunities, our leadership programme, the e-library, First Steps for HCAs – that counts towards your Care Certificate. These resources are undersung, and we need to shout about them from the rooftops – they could really help our members.
In my role as Lead Nurse, Independent Health and Social Care (IHSC) for the Northern region, my main aim is to raise the profile of independent sector nurses’ work. We need to start changing the narrative and challenging society’s misconceptions about these roles. Their work often goes unseen and we need to raise awareness of how skilled and demanding they are.
We also need to do more work helping our members start out in general practice, such as around understanding terms and conditions, pay and pensions. We need better recognition for what we do and the confidence to demand appropriate remuneration for our critically important skills with potential employers. We need to know our worth and sell our skills better.
If you’re an independent sector member, I’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch with ideas for improving what we offer you; I’m all ears. Email leanne.hume@rcn.org.uk or call 0191 511 5811.