The RCN is your College and we want to hear from you. The AGM is a great opportunity to ask questions about your professional body and trade union and I look forward to seeing as many of you there are possible. There is a huge amount for us to discuss, in what has been an eventful year.
It's also an opportunity to vote on resolutions. It’s worth remembering that AGM resolutions can be voted on by all RCN members and next Wednesday we have two resolutions to discuss and agree. One is on the definition of Council Officers and the other on Council Elections.
The votes we take next week will make important and necessary changes and help us to deliver our five-year strategy.
And, as both are special resolutions, they will require two-thirds majorities to pass. So your vote really does matter.
All RCN members have been emailed by CES with the details of the agenda, and a link for members to vote on the resolutions in advance, if you wish. Proxy voting closes at 2.00 pm on Monday 15 July 2024. If you wish to vote after that point, you must attend the meeting either online or in person.
Closer to the date of the meeting, you will receive a further email from CES which will contain your unique link to join the RCN AGM online which is being hosted on the CES AGM platform. Please watch out for that email if you plan on joining us.
I do hope to see as many of you as possible online or in person next week, to discuss another remarkable year in the history of the RCN.