Membership tax relief
Helping you save money on your membership fee
As a UK tax payer, you could save money on your RCN membership fee through tax relief.
Better still, if this is the first time you have claimed tax relief, you can do so for the current tax year and also backdate a claim for the previous four tax years.
You may be eligible to claim tax relief on:
- RCN membership fees
- NMC registration fees
- uniform purchases (including shoes, socks and tights)
- laundry costs for your uniform
- your Nursing Standard subscription.
How to claim Income Tax relief
Visit the HMRC website for full information on guidance. You can then make a claim via this form.
To claim tax relief on your RCN membership fees
- your membership fees must be paid by you and not by your employer (or claimed back through them). You can download a letter to confirm your up-to-date membership payments for tax relief claims at any time. You can find this in the 'My Downloads' section of MyRCN.
- your membership must directly relate to your current job.
How much can I claim?
How much you can claim will depend on a number of factors including how much your annual fees cost and your tax situation. As a guide, members who pay basic rate tax in the UK, can claim up to 20% on their RCN membership fees. This rises to 40% for higher rate tax payers.Please note that there are time limits for making a backdated tax relief claim.
Where can I find more information?
Visit the HMRC website link above for detailed information on making a claim, or call them on 0300 200 3300.What if I’ve retired/am a student, or on a career break?
Most retired members and students cannot claim tax relief on their membership, because the membership must relate directly to employment.If you’d like more information, please get in touch with us using the link below.
Using a tax refund company
Tax refund companies are businesses that specialise in services that can help you submit a claim to HMRC for a tax refund. However, these companies charge you for this service and this charge could significantly reduce the net amount that you will receive from your tax refund.
The RCN does not currently partner with a tax refund company. For most members, submitting a claim directly to the HMRC using the tax relief form above is a very straightforward process.
RCN Money Guides
We're here for you
If you're an RCN member and you have questions about tax relief, you can contact the RCN any time from 8.30am to 8.30pm, 365 days a year.