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Membership fee increase from 1 September 2024

After 10 years of freezing our membership fees, we’re making a small increase to the amount we ask members to pay for our many services and benefits.

This change will take effect from 1 September 2024, but will only be implemented upon your membership renewal date.

This page answers your FAQs about the membership rates increase, including why the fee is increasing, who will be affected and when it takes place.

New fees (from 1 September 2024):

* tax relief may vary depending on the tax situation of each member

** tax relief would be available if a member is paying basic rate tax


After 10 years of freezing our membership fees, we’re making a small increase to the amount we ask members to pay for our many services and benefits. This change will take effect from 1 September 2024 but will only be implemented upon your membership renewal date.

This small increase will allow us to continue delivering high-quality services, support and resources for our over half a million members. By asking each member to contribute an extra few pence each month, we can continue to build the RCN and be the strongest Voice of Nursing.

We know that many of our members may be struggling with inflation and the increased cost of living, and this decision has not been taken lightly. We understand that now, more than ever, value for money is a priority. This small increase in membership contributions will enable us to continue providing the very best service to our growing membership, including:

  • workplace support
  • legal advice
  • professional development and learning resources
  • careers advice and guidance
  • welfare advice
  • peer support and networks
  • exclusive member discounts
  • and much more. 

You can reduce the cost of your membership by claiming tax relief. You can also recoup the cost of your membership with discounts from over 3,000 retailers with RCNXtra.

The small increase will affect the contributions of all members with the exception of:

  • Retired members
  • Members taking a career break (including maternity)
  • Students not in their final year of study. Final year students who will be registered nurses when they come to renew their membership will be affected, as they'll be moving to the 1st year discount nurse membership category. 

A full breakdown of the new membership rates can be found at the top of this page.

The cost of RCN membership will be changing on 1 September 2024, however the increase will only be applied on your annual membership renewal date. For example, if your renewal date is February 2025, your payments will not increase until then. You can check your renewal date by logging into MyRCN.

No. Your method of payment will not change. However, we do encourage all members to pay by monthly direct debit. If you would like to switch to direct debit, please contact our Membership team on 0345 772 6100.

You do not need to contact your bank to adjust your direct debit. This increase will take effect automatically from your next renewal date. We will be touch again with a reminder closer to the time of your annual renewal.