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I’ve been working for the NHS since 2021. I was recruited from India during the COVID pandemic because there was an extreme shortage of nurses in the UK. Our hospital was hit really badly by COVID during the second wave. Our nurses were overworked during the pandemic, it was too much for them. Our hospital needed to recruit internationally so that they could prepare for the third wave.
I really appreciate the efforts as a union that the RCN is taking. Nurses need to show the UK government that they’re not rewarding the work we’re actually doing. They say that nurses are angels and lifesavers, but they’re not putting that into action. 

I am for the strike. I hope it will be eye-opening for the government and that they will look for a solution and come out with decent pay for us, otherwise in the future there won’t be as many nurses.

There are so many patients, but not enough staff

We had a wonderful team in one department but now many people are gone, complaining about burnout and pay. Now that team is really struggling, every member has to work twice as much. There are so many patients, but not enough staff. These are situations that can be avoided if the government takes adequate measures.

Last year when we were asked if we were interested in industrial action, many of my international friends were saying “What if I join the strike, will it affect my PIN? Will it affect my job?” They might know what they could do back home, but not here. There are a lot of myths and wrong information among the international nurses. We need to be aware of the action we can take. 

There are a lot of myths and wrong information among international nurses

As members of the RCN, we need to help other members have proper awareness of their rights. They are entitled to vote and strike.

RCN, continue with the good job that you’re doing. As nurses we’re there with you. As members, we can make a difference.

Without nurses, the NHS would fall down. The government should be taking immediate action. They shouldn’t want us to strike. They shouldn’t want the NHS to suffer. I hope they will take steps to reward us for the efforts we make. Words are not enough, we need action.

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