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I’ve been talking to RCN members in my local health board, many of whom have said they’ll be voting “yes” to strike action. As I don’t work for the NHS, I’m not eligible to vote in this ballot but I’ll be backing it all the way. As nursing staff, we need to take a stand. 
We’re all going to be NHS patients at some point and many of us were trained in the NHS. To pretend that we don’t have an interest in this isn’t right. We need to work together for the common good because whatever role we’re working in or wherever we work, we all belong to one nursing family. And we need to support that family. 
I’m realistic and I know that across the different sectors we will always have different pay and conditions. But ignoring what’s going on in the NHS will never be helpful.

Ignoring what’s going on in the NHS will never be helpful

If we stand up for colleagues in the NHS by demanding fair pay and safe staffing and get a result, everyone we care for will benefit.

We can use this to approach all employers and negotiate fair pay in the independent sector and ensure safely staffed care for our clients or residents. 

Everyone is busy and we all have our own worries – especially with the rising cost of living – but that’s why we must act now. We can’t delay this any longer. We all need to be paid fairly and in a way that reflects our skills, experience, knowledge and professionalism. 
We all want the best for our patients and clients and by working together we’ll be working clever. I was an RCN activist in the 1980s and marched against the derisory 3% pay rise we were offered back then. Things sadly haven’t got any better.

So wherever you work, get behind the ballot. If we all do something, however small, we can make a difference. 
If you can’t vote, spread the word about it. If you can vote, vote. And vote 'yes'. Let’s demonstrate our strength and send a message to UK governments that the nursing voice must be heard.

Steve Watson provides an independent care consultancy and previously worked for the NHS for 22 years. 

Read more about our campaign for fair pay.

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