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Use this guide to find information resources about safeguarding adults, children, and those with learning disabilities. In this guide you’ll find books, reports, and journal articles.

Last updated: 17/09/2024

Key Resources

Book cover Royal College of Nursing (2024) Adult safeguarding: roles and competencies for health care staff. London: RCN.
Publication cover Royal College of Nursing et al. (2019) Safeguarding children and young people: roles and competencies for healthcare staff. Intercollegiate document, 4th edn. London: RCN.
Book cover Royal College of Nursing (2023) Female genital mutilation. RCN guidance for sexual health care. London: RCN.
Publication cover Royal College of Nursing (2020) Anonymous registration on the electoral register in the UK. London: RCN.
Publication cover Royal College of Nursing (2020) Guidance for nurses and midwives to support those affected by domestic abuse. London: RCN.
Publication cover Royal College of Nursing and Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (2020) Looked after children: roles and competencies of healthcare staff. London: RCN.
Book cover Royal College of Nursing (2023) Modern slavery and trafficking. London: RCN.
RCN Learn: Modern slavery and human trafficking
Royal College of Nursing: First steps for healthcare assistants: principles of safeguarding.
Care Inspectorate: Adult support and protection.
Care Quality Commission (2022) Safeguarding people.
Department of Health and Social Care (2020) Liberty protection safeguards factsheets (updated 3 August 20201).
Health and Social Care Board: Northern Ireland Adult Safeguarding Partnership (2016) Adult safeguarding operational procedures. Belfast: RQIA
NHS Wales (no date) Governance e-Manual: Standard 2.7 Safeguarding children and safeguarding adults at risk.
  • Please check that guidance is applicable for your country.
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Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health: Looked after children (LAC): Resources and guidance.
Mental Capacity Act 2005, c. 9.
Welsh Government: Safeguarding guidance.

Related Links

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Book cover Barber P et al (2023) Mental health law in England and Wales: a guide for mental health professionals. London: Learning Matters. 
Book cover Bond E and Phippen A (2022) Safeguarding adults online: perspectives on rights to participation. Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Book cover Burton S and Reid J (2018) Safeguarding and protecting children in the early years. London: Routledge. Taylor & Francis.
Book cover Frost N (2021) Safeguarding children and young people: a guide for professionals working together. London: Sage.
Book cover Holmes D (ed.) (2022) Safeguarding young people: risk, rights, resilience and relationships, Jessica Kingsley: London.
Book cover Keeling J and Goosey D (2021) Safeguarding across the life span, SAGE: London. 
Book cover Northway R and Hopes P (2022) Learning disability nursing: developing professional practice. St Albans: Critical Publishing.
Book cover Phelan A (2020) Advances in elder abuse research: practice, legislation and policy. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Book cover Spreadbury K and Hubbard R (2020) The adult safeguarding practice handbook. Bristol: Policy Press.
Book cover Starns B (2019) Safeguarding adults together under the Care Act 2014: a multi-agency practice guide. St Albans: Critical Publishing.
Book cover Wate R and Boulton N (2019) Multi agency safeguarding in a public protection world: a handbook for protecting children and vulnerable adults. 2nd edn. Shoreham by Sea: Pavilion.

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Page last updated - 17/09/2024