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Royal College of Nursing responds to CQC report ‘Protect, respect, connect – decisions about living and dying well during COVID-19’
“End of life care must always be delivered with the utmost compassion and designed as part of the personalised care plan to suit each patient," says Carolyn Doyle, Professional Lead for Community & End of Life Care for the Royal College of Nursing
Together for Mental Health Delivery Plan 2019 to 2022
The Welsh Government want your views on improving mental health and well-being across all ages in Wales. The proposed 2019 to 2022 delivery plan is the final plan which will support the strategy.
Implementation of the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016
The Welsh Government want your views to changes to the regulation and inspection of social care services and the social care workforce in Wales.
Consultation: Draft guidance on relationships and sexuality education
The Welsh Government would like views on revised guidance on sex and relationships education for the current curriculum.
Food and Nutrition in Older People Care Homes
The Welsh Government are consulting on draft guidance to support good quality food and drink provision in care home settings for older people.
Consultation: Setting the minimum unit price of alcohol
Following the decision to implement a minimum unit price for alcohol in Wales, the Welsh Government are consulting on a proposed minimum unit price of 50p.
A Major Trauma Network for South and West Wales and South Powys
The NHS Wales Health Collaborative is seeking your views on the proposals for a Major Trauma Network for South and West Wales and South Powys.
Support funding for students resident in Wales
The Welsh Government are consulting on proposed changes to student support and higher education funding.
Consultation: National Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Indicators
The Welsh Government would like views on draft proposals for a list of Violence Against Women Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence national indicators.
Establishing a Tertiary Education and Research Commission for Wales
The Welsh Government are consulting on establishing an authority to oversee post-compulsory education and training.