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Royal College of Nursing responds to Prime Minister’s comments on nurses and NHS pay
RCN Chief Executive and General Secretary, Dame Donna Kinnair, said: "The prime minister must put his money where his mouth is. NHS staff are worth it and there is overwhelming public support."
Royal College of Nursing responds to UK Government health and care white paper
RCN Chief Executive and General Secretary Dame Donna Kinnair, said: "We are inching closer to getting ministers to take responsibility for ensuring safe and effective care with enough nursing staff."
National Curriculum and Competency Framework for Emergency Nursing (Level 1)
This framework (Part 1 005 883 and Part 2 005 923) developed by leading emergency nursing experts, is founded on nursing philosophy and details the depth and breadth of knowledge and skills required of emergency nurses. It provides a clear career structure for those wishing to advance in the specialism.
Healthcare leaders, scientists and academics call on Prime Minister to act on ‘inadequate’ protection of health workers
The Prime Minister must help prevent further loss of life by acting on the evidence around the need for better ventilation and higher grade PPE, a coalition of health experts argue today.
Competences: an education and training competence framework for administering medicines intravenously to children and young people
This education and training competence framework for administering medicines intravenously to children and young people was first published in 2005. It has been revised in 2017 to reflect a number of current political and professional issues and initiatives. The framework describes the theoretical and practical competences and overall indicative content for education and training programmes for administering medicines intravenously to children and young people.
Creating a Strategic Focus to Support the Prevention of Infection
This statement outlines the RCN’s position on priorities for action to support improvements in the preventing infection within health and care settings to accompany revision of the UK strategy on antimicrobial resistance.
IPC. Information and learning resources for health care staff
Infection prevention and control (IPC) practice is an essential component of health and social care, and policy and guidance is constantly evolving. Research helps to inform the evidence base for this important area of nursing practice. This resource gives you guidance on how to search and find the relevant evidence-based information and guidance you may require to help keep your infection prevention knowledge and practice up-to-date.
Essential Practice for Infection Prevention and Control
The prevention and management of infection is the responsibility of all staff working in health and social care and is an integral element of patient safety programmes. This updated publication provides important information and guidance on the essential principles of infection prevention and control and highlights why other issues, such as nutrition and hydration, should be viewed as an essential complementary component of nursing practice.
Royal College of Nursing comments on Sir Simon Stevens stepping down from NHS England
RCN President, Professor Dame Anne Marie Rafferty, said: “He always spoke about nurses and doctors, in that order, and I would like to thank him for the incredible support he has given us as a community and profession throughout the pandemic.
Retired members: Stay connected
Retired members can still benefit from RCN membership, including membership of the National Pensioners Convention Network.