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Resolution: Decriminalising abortion
That this meeting of Congress requests that the RCN Council supports the calls for the decriminalisation of abortion across the UK.
View the full list of debates.
Matter for Discussion: Definition of nursing
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses how the RCN’s Definition of Nursing can be utilised to demonstrate the value of nursing.
Matter for discussion: Digitised patient records: a data security risk?
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the risks involved in the digitalisation of patient records.
Matter for Discussion: The evolution of AI in health care
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the potential barriers and opportunities that artificial intelligence can bring to nursing.
Matter for Discussion: Crumbling buildings – the best place for care?
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the effect on patient care of the lack of maintenance in regards of the NHS estate.
Resolution: Genomics competencies
That this meeting of RCN Congress calls on RCN Council to support the introduction and embedding of genomic competencies within the nursing profession.
Matter for Discussion: The value of reps
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the RCN's 'offer' to its trade union representatives.
Matter for Discussion: Social media and nursing
That this meeting of RCN Congress discusses the advantages and risks of social media for the nursing workforce.
Resolution: Should nursing support workers be regulated?
That this meeting of RCN Congress asks the RCN to lobby the government on the mandatory regulation of the nursing support workforce. This resolution was passed by voting members at Congress 2024.