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Raising and Escalating Concerns
This resource, aimed at NHS and independent sector nursing staff and student nurses, will support you to raise concerns wherever you work. It includes a decision making flowchart to help staff and students decide whether to raise a concern and when to escalate a concern.
Caring for older people: The essential role of the care home nurse (Welsh executive summary)
Welsh executive summary of the RCN Wales report, Caring for older people: The essential role of the care home nurse.
Caring for older people: The essential role of the care home nurse
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Wales represents around 29,500 members, two-thirds of whom work in the community, and many in care homes. Care home providers and RCN Wales members alike have reported an acute shortage of registered nurses in the care home sector. This report argues for a set of actions to raise the profile of care home nursing and make sure residents continue to receive the safe and effective care they need and deserve.
RCNi Annual Report 2022
The RCN Publishing Company Limited Annual Report and Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2022.
RCN Industrial Action Handbook
This updated RCN Industrial Action Handbook is a comprehensive guide. It explains the different types of action members can take and provides examples of how to organise action in the workplace.
Industrial Action by Other Unions: advice for RCN members
This publication outlines what approach RCN members should take relating to their own contract of employment, while ensuring they do not undermine the lawful industrial action taken by other trade union colleagues.
Ensuring high quality representation for members: A statement of expectations for RCN Reps
This framework is designed to give you the best support and resources available to help you confidentially carry out your role.
Clinical Nurse Specialists in Early Pregnancy Care Consensus Statement
This publication details further work following the impact assessment and subsequent report of the RCN’s Clinical Nurse Specialists in Early Pregnancy Care Standards in 2021. To address recommendations from that report, the project team worked with key stakeholders to clarify the way forward, ensuring the standards are fit for purpose and supporting implementation of the standards.
Valuing Nursing in the UK
Despite public support for the nursing profession, governments across the UK are failing to value and support nursing staff. Nursing staff feel undervalued and unsafe, causing an alarming number to leave the profession altogether. This report presents a range of factors which impact retention, as well as recommendations for action to bring widespread benefits for the workforce, and for safe and effective care.
A fresh start for nursing
The RCN’s response to the 2024 UK government consultation on nursing pay and careers.