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Sponsorship Opportunities 2025
nurse of the year sponsorship opportunities
Glove awareness
Glove Awareness Week is a week long campaign run by the Royal College of Nursing to raise awareness of appropriate glove use and skin health.
Black History Month at the Great Western Hospital Swindon
We will be supporting and particpating in Great Western Hospital's BHM event with a talk on allyship and a stand.
Student Ambassador useful resources
A list of useful resources to support Student Ambassadors with their role.
Get involved as an RCN student member
RCN student members can get more involved by becoming a student ambassador, attending Congress or joining the RCN Students Committee.
Bugs off that bump! Vaccinations during pregnancy
Maternal immunisation is safe and effective, yet uptake of these vital vaccinations remains poor. Nurses and midwives are trusted professionals, working with expectant and new families and a key source of information to help families make informed decisions.
RCN London
Home page of the RCN London site
Do you ever wonder what your RCN South West Regional Board does?
As your South West RCN Regional Board Chair, I wanted to share key messages from our Board meeting this month. Did you know that all RCN members in the South West can attend the open part of the board meeting via MS teams and participate in the discussions?
What is nursing activism?
Rachel Hollis explores what activism means for her and how she's involved in activism at the RCN.
How much has changed since Mary Seacole?
Black History Month - Has the issue of racial discrimination in nursing improved in the last 150 years?