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Learn more about osteoporosis and how it can affect people who are affected by the condition. Here you can also find out more about rare types of osteoporosis, the different types of fractures, and how Vitamin D can support bone health.
Nutrition essentials
Build the skills needed to support patients with nutrition and assess any concerns over malnutrition, whether it’s due to medication, illness or ageing. This resource offers advice on areas nurses should cover and the signs and effects of malnutrition.
Older people: information and guidance
Caring for older people represents the largest area of adult nursing in the UK. Visit this page to find information and guidance on key issues related to the care of older people, including mental health support.
Overview of eHealth
Explore the topic of eHealth – also known as digital health – and how it supports health care. Discover why it is vital that nursing staff play a role in keeping up with digital technology to meet the needs of the profession, patients and health care.
Overview of diabetes
Increase your knowledge and understanding of diabetes, understand the differences between the different types of diabetes and the impact on overall health if left untreated or poorly managed.
Older people: professional resources
Resources from the RCN and other organisations for nursing staff working with older people
South East Region Board Meeting
Meeting of the South East region board.
South East Region Board Meeting
Meeting of the South East region board.
Explore the topic of urogynaecology, which is a sub speciality of gynaecology, and provides assessment, investigations and treatment for women with urinary incontinence, vaginal prolapse, recurrent urinary tract infections and more.
Multiple Sclerosis
Read more about Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and the symptoms and find out how many people in the UK are affected by the long-term condition. Here you can also find out where to get more information and support when caring for people with MS.