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Health protection
Health protection is one of the responsibilities of Public Health England. Here you can find out more about what health protection is and what health protection teams do to prevent and reduce the impact of infectious diseases, hazards and major emergencies.
Hydration essentials
Learn how to monitor someone for the signs of dehydration and understand the signs and effects. Here you will also find out what dehydration can lead to and how to encourage people to drink the right amount of fluids.
Frailty in older people
Understand what is meant by ‘frailty’ in older patients and find advice on identifying symptoms in older patients and choosing the right interventions to help manage their condition.
Information standards
Understand more about the importance of care records as an essential part of the daily routine of every health care professional. Here you can find a brief overview of the work the RCN does to ensure that patient information is recorded correctly.
Medicine supply and administration
Access this resource to find out more about good medicines management (also described as ‘medicines optimization’), including the administration of medicines and prescribing and supporting people to take their medicines correctly.
Meaningful activities for older people
Discover ways to plan meaningful activities when caring for people in a care home. Learn more about what a meaningful activity is, why it is a fundamental aspect of care, and the benefits of doing so in when it comes to improving physical and mental wellbeing.
RCN Eastern Black History Month event - A suitcase of hope, fears and woolly jumpers
The RCN Eastern Black History Month event - A suitcase of hope, fears and woolly jumpers - will be held on 30 October.
Migrant health guidance
Find out where to seek advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients, including country-specific information. This resource offers information on caring for travellers from the non-UK-born population, especially those who are likely to return to their home country to visit friends and relatives (VFRs).
Medicines management in care homes
Find out more about policies, procedures and statutory laws required for care homes on the administration of medicines, the training required for healthcare assistants, and guidance on the self-administration of medication.
Mental health in later life
Increase your awareness of the mental health issues experienced by older people and how the multi-professional nature of care for older people requires working in a collaborative way in order to improve mental well-being.